Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The 2020 Postcard Post

Hello All -

So we're back on again for 2020! Pretty much the same details as always...

What: Ragnarok 105
When: April 18, 2020 (hoping for no blizzards this weekend!)

Where: Red Wing, MN


We're going to be doing registration pretty much the same as we always have. We will be capping the registration at 150 riders as we have the last couple of years, and will be utilizing a lottery, again as we have in the past. Unless less than 150 folks send in their postcard... if that is the case if you properly get a postcard into our hands then you'll be in.

Where do you send the postcard? This year we're actually going to have you send the cards in to Jake, so if you are local to Denver, CO maybe you can drop them off... otherwise here is his address:

Ragnarok 105 
c/o Jake Huot
1243 Adams Street
Denver, CO 80206

Some "rules" for the cards:

1) Try to have them actually be post cards. They aren't that hard to find. Much easier for us to manage.
2) One postcard per person. If you start to send in multiple cards they will all be thrown out.
3) Don't send in a card for anyone but yourself. A key point of this event is that as a rider you are responsible for yourself. This begins with the post card. (Note... obviously we won't be able to tell if your significant others or kid sent in a card for you, but if we get 6 cards for you and your friends in the same pen, same handwriting, all at the same time... that isn't cool... again a postcard isn't that hard).
4)Make sure your handwriting is legible.

On the card need to be three things:

email address
"I am responsible for myself"

Postcards will be received starting Black Friday (November 29, 2019) and must be postmarked by December 31, 2019.

To let the straggler cards in we'll probably do the lottery on or around January 11.

Any questions? Post them up here (or however you want to try and contact us... we have a facebook page... instagram... etc...)

Thanks - Isaac

Monday, November 11, 2019

Get those Postcards Ready!

The traditional post-Thanksgiving registration open is fast approaching! Details will follow about where and what to send to get your name on the lottery list. But we always open things up the Friday after Thanksgiving.

Reminder for folks though that may have missed it:

Ragnarok 2020 - April 18, 2020
Same start/finish. My intention is always to change up the course in minor ways to force people to actually navigate but kids, work, and the weather generally conspire to cause me to hit the easy button and use the tried and true course and notes. No guarantees that your old GPS file will be accurate!

Thanks and talk to you soon!
