Sunday, January 8, 2017

Official Rok Roster - 2017

So, I tried a new way of doing the lottery this year. And with the small number of unlucky people this year (earlier race date? getting bored with it? sick of not just getting in like many other races? who knows) I just pulled up and started pulling numbers (since Excel had the rows numbered... it was easy!). If your number came up, you were put on the waiting list. Sorry! If it makes you feel any better I think we went through about 50 waiters all told last year. So I would be shocked if I didn't end up notifying all of the waiters that they are in by the end of Feb.

Having said that... if you are on the official roster and can't make it. LET ME KNOW by emailing isaac.m.giesen AT gmail DOT com. I can then get you off of the list and move someone in.

I will not be accepting any email requests to be added to the waiting list. So if you aren't on either the Roster or Wait List... you are out of luck. Lots of other great rides though. So don't sell your bike just yet!

Without further ado:


Abel, Matthew
Anderson, Bruce
Anderson, Jon
Backman, Daniel
Bakker, Carl
Barr, Megan
Bell, David
Bell, Pete
Belz, Rob
Benton, Joel
Berhane, Hanah
Berkland, Sam
Birkemeier, Ryan

Brager, Luke
Brendal, Randy
Bushendorf, Jeff
Bushinski, Mark
Callas, Bill
Carey, Andrew

Carroll, Paul
Cary, Neal (O)

Clark, James
Clausen, Ted
Condon, Cody
Cotter, Shawn
Cox, Ben
Cure, Bob
Curtis, Rick
Davis, Kyle
Deckert, Steven
DeMars, Joe
Denis, Charles
Denis, Matt
Dingemans, Max
Donovan, Jack

Dorow, Linda
Dresler, Dennis
Earley, Ken
Egbers, John

El Medkouri, Mohammed
Elson, Brandt
Engen, Mark
Engen, Matt
Erickson, Thomas
Estes, Lynn (???)

Foster, Todd
Fournier, Maggy
Funke, Dan
Gaffke, Dustin
Garrett, Jim
Greenwaldt, Tyler
Gruhn, Leah
Hamlin, Joe
Hathaway, Eric
Haye, Jeff
Hedin, Cory
Hest, Robert
Hey, Ben
Hippen, Scott
Hoffard, Timothy
Hoogendam, Ian
Hunter, Melissa
Johnson, Kirk
Jungers, Jake
Karnopp, Roger
Karow, Eddie
Kern, Jon
Kies, Scott
Knox, Dave
Kueffer, Dan
Kueffer, Fred

Lageson, Andy
Lalonde, Jesse
Lalonde, Mark
Landreville, Michael

Larson, Mara
Lee, Mike
Lemke, Nicholas
Lewis, Tim
Lien, Brent
Lindberg, Gary
Loosen, Ted
Loye, Jon
Mailen, Sean

Matalamaki, John

McDaniel, Kent
Meiser, Joe
Meulebroeck, Scott
Mohr, Jere
Mosimann, Rob
Nederloe, Tryg
Nichols, Joel
Nickles, Ray
Nygård, Jonas
O'Neill, Jeff
Oney, Ben
Parsons, Charles
Perez, Jose
Peterson, David

Pettes, Jeff

Pletka, Bruce
Rambow, Meredith
Rasmussen, Bryce

Riley, Matt
Ringold, Tom
Ringuette, Jim

Roeser, Josh "Pork Chop"
Rogers, Cole
Sauber, Larry
Schad, Charlie
Schlinz, Kyle
Schneider, Jay
Schneider, Joshua
Schulz, Thad
Seaburg, Mark
Seipp, Carrie
Shanafelt, Todd
Sheedy, Patrick
Sheldrake, John

Shouse, Corey
Shupe, Jeff
Sobota, Kyle
Soltis, Steve
St. Pierre, Sam
Strate, Chelsea
Stringfield, Ryan
Stuckman, Chris
Stunek, Kurt
Sundquist, Christian
Thornton, Jeremy
Thueringer, Frank

Tobias, Sam
Tri, Charly
Tuma, Robert

Venteicher, Lee
Vold, Sveta
Watchmaker, Todd
Watercott, Mike
Webb, Matt
Weeks, David
Weinzierl, Andy
Weisbrod, Heath
Wentz, Lindsay
Wentz, Nathan

Wilson, Drew
Wolf, Charles
Woll, Dan
Woods, Brian

Zylstra, Ken

WAIT LIST (with horrible formatting... hooray for blooger!)

empty... closed up.... no more...

Thanks again and get training! OR not! As long as you remember that YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOU I'm good with any level of readiness!